CIRCUS NEWS is a fine source of information produced in Sweden by Roger Malmer.
A relatively new and definitely interesting site may be found at THE CIRCUS BLOG.
The CIRCUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY web page is defintely the spot to visit if you want to know all about old time circuses.
More interesting material concerning the FISHER BROS. and BARNES & DAILY Circuses which were described on some of my earlier pages is located at DARREN, RUBY AND PARKER'S WEB PAGE.
Ken Young lists all sorts of interesting items at his site known as CIRCUS LINKS.
Additional Circus History can be found at Dick Dykes's blog THE BALLOON MAN.
Here is an interesting link which tells about JAMES L. HUTCHINSON who was part owner of the Barnum, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus.
RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, & MISCELLANEOUS AMERICANA. Includes information regarding and a photograph of Birmingham, Michigan's former Grand Trunk Railway station. There is also a picture of Baldwin High School's band WITH SOUND MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT!
HARTLAND SMITH'S ECLECTIC BLOG is apt to contain just about any sort of item.
BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN IN RETROSPECT features a collection of true tales and historical photos of my home town.
If you wish to do so, you may now return to the GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUSES HOME PAGE.